暗黑3将 只有 野蛮人回归
When Blizzard announced the first two classes in Diablo III, the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor, at least one fan of the series was taken aback by the class rehash. That would be me, for the purpose of this post. After enduring such a long wait for the third Diablo installment, why resuscitate the Barbarian, when there are plenty of perfectly good fantasy game archetypes still left to explore?Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson says the reason is simple. The Barbarian in Diablo II could've been better. He was a bit more diplomatic in his dissing, saying that the brute force attack class had "room for improvement."
There's one class that definitely won't be coming back for another appearance in Diablo III. And Wilson says that it was because that class was just shy of perfectly designed.
The Necromancer, he said, was simply a victim of his own success. He was just too well crafted as a character, something that Wilson's Blizzard design cohorts, current and former, likely don't mind hearing. Necro fans on the other hand, probably won't be too thrilled to learn of his disappearance, despite the Witch Doctor class's similarities.
Wilson says that there are absolutely no plans to bring back any other classes, but, given that Blizzard wasn't breaking any news at Games Convention, wouldn't dish any details on what the remaining three classes will be.
We have a sneaking suspicion that Blizzard will take advantage of its own event, BlizzCon, to make such an announcement. (C'mon, Bard! We really want to serenade Diablo's minions to death.)
当暴雪公布D3的前两个角色(野蛮人和巫医)时,至少有一个D饭被重新归来的角色吓到了。那个粉丝就是我。在等待了N年后的D3中,当游戏中还有千百个充满了惊奇的人物原型等待发掘时,为什么让野蛮人又回来了?D3制作总监 Jay Wilson解释说原因很简单:D2中的野蛮人还没有达到巅峰。在他的调侃中似乎有些外交辞令--近身物理攻击角色有【提高的空间】。