*Full screen light radius
*Hides ears on teh dirt
*Hides dead traps, skeletons, golems, shadows, bonewalls/prison
*Hides Hurricanes
*Hides Hellfire torch fire (firestorm)
*Left click mod for all skills (LCMB)
*Anti Cloak of Shadows (Lumos!)
*Full rejuv pots has purple text
*Scrolls given a dark green text
*Oak sage's (and all other spirits' portrait's) name changed from Spirit to Oak sage
*Your own traps, and allied traps appear on minimap
*Vines are hidden
*Added the KICK skill
*Added Anti NK (Click the confuse skill to 'CTA drop')
*Removed the shaking effect from killing Andy\Duriel\Diablo\Baal\Siege Beast stomps.
*Added [#] to runes, and a gold colour to runes >14. 1.13版本上使用的缺点:没有好的地图,所以还是推荐在1.11B版本上使用