- Added over 150 endgame runewords. These are empowered versions of existing runewords. Any runeword based on Zod rune (or lower), can now be mixed with Xis rune for a level 120 version. For example: El-Xis on Helms will create level 120 Summit runeword
- Densities: reworked on all levels in order to achieve a better stability and performance, and make the difficulty curve more natural
- Removed dumb 1HKO procs from several bosses
- The Void: fixed a bug that allowed boss seal to be destroyed by minions. Reworked boss fight
- Startled Witch: ensured no one will enter her grounds uninvited
- Uldyssian: final stage is now free-for-all. Modified Uldyssian AI. Stage #10 (totem) was reworked as it was buggy
- Kabraxis: now has a chance to teleport when struck to prevent lock abusing
- Athulua: slightly hardened
- MarcoNecroX: removed health regeneration and reduced damage. Just kidding. He now ignores immunity shields
- Baal (throne): no longer has a debuff aura on destruction
- Griswold: no longer has melee-only aura on terror / destruction
- 救凯恩的那个场景的格里斯(毁灭难度,应该是地狱级):没有挑衅光环了(就是那个地狱猫的只允许近战) 作者: xju833 时间: 2016-10-11 14:14
- Increased cast rate with one handed weapons
- Thundercrack: fixed a (massive) bug that made lightnings not pierce
- 雷击(打雷那条线的技能):修复了使得闪电无法穿刺的BUG。
- Stormcall: increased damage
- 风暴召唤(应该也是这条线,笔者没玩过这类AMA):伤害增加。
- Hammer of Zerae: incresed damage and weapon modifier from 3/4 to 3/2
- 泽拉尔锤子(卧槽,这个技能不知道在哪。。):输出伤害为 武器伤害3/4 -》3/2.
- Magnetic Field: modified mechanics to work more efficiently, increased field density and max damage
- 雷神领域:修改了计算方式,并提升了区域的判定密度及伤害(BUFF蛮大的)。
- Pounce: slightly reduced range
- 猛扑:略微降低了施法距离(猛扑AMA又特么削了)。
- Batstrike: fixed a bug that caused bats not getting any %avoid from Perfect Being. This means they were having effectively 1/10 as much survability as intended on the highest levels
- 蝙蝠打击:现在完美表现的技能可以作用于这个技能了,这意味着这个技能可以获得1/10的效率(等同于完美表现闪避几率的1/10)当你加满这个技能后(没怎么玩过ASN,应该是完美表现对这个技能有加成?).
亲儿子 DRU。
- Now receives 25 health per level
- 每升1级HP+25;
- Werewolf Form: reworked attack rating formula
- 狼人形态:重做了AR的计算公式
- Harbinger: fixed a bug that caused the skill not to check attack rating
- 预兆(应该是那个被动?总之应该和狼人形态的AR有关的技能):修复了这个技能不去检查AR的BUG;
- Elemental: now deals a reasonable amount of damage
- 元素系:现在伤害进行了合理的调整。
Yes, druid was a broken class. It was massively buffed some patches ago. Cry me a river.
- Dragon Oath: removed
- Dragonshout: removed
- Burnout: removed
- Demonrend: removed
- Deva King: removed
- Merkabah: removed
- New Skill: Solar Flare
- 新技能:太阳闪耀
- New Skill: Drakemaw
- 新技能:卧槽这是个英文单词吗?看不懂是啥
- New Skill: Frozen Breath
- 新技能:寒冷吐息
- New Skill: Incarnation
- 新技能:龙之化身;
- New Skill: Dragon Wyrms
- 新技能:飞龙在天
- New Skill: Dragonknight
- 新技能:龙骑士(这尼玛什么鬼,难道是变身龙骑士吗)
- Superbeast: duration is now always 5 minutes
- 超级野兽(我感觉应该是复活术啊):持续时间固定为5分钟。
- Rapture: modified overlay
- Rapture 是极度喜悦的意思,不知道这个技能是啥:延迟修正了。
- Retaliate: adjusted damage to fit new skills
- 报复打击:修正了伤害(目测是为了下面的新技能需要吧)。
- Vessel of Retribution: adjusted damage values to have an effective damage similar to Vessel of Judgement
- 这个技能是那个从脚底下biubiubiu到附近怪物的技能(PAL有2个BIUBIUBIU的技能,2个都调整了应该是):伤害系数修正。
- Blessed Life: fixed a typo on the flat damage reduction formula (thanks @suchbalance)
- 这个应该是勇敢的心(应该是光明系的那个减伤被动):修正了减伤的计算公式。
- Plague: is now a level 12 skill. Reworked damage formula, removed %block and added hard point synergy
- 天灾:现在是12级技能了,格挡被砍掉了,换成了硬点的加成(大几率是DEBUFF)。
- Dragonheart: renamed from Lionheart, no longer uses armor shrine overlay and no longer slows you down
- 龙心:改名为狮心。现在加了一个闪烁的盔甲施法延迟,但是呢,对你后续打架砍怪应该不会再造成缓慢的样子了(哎有这么个技能吗?我咋不记得了。。毕竟一直暗法。。。)
- Hoplites: now have 50% physical resistance
- 这个原意是方阵兵的意思:技能效果增加了50%的物理见面,应该是大招吧???
- Tainted Blood: now adds 15% defense per hard point and 5% per soft point. Can no longer be casted on other players
- **之血:你硬点一下可以加15%防御,技能加成是5%的防御。而且现在**之血不可以给他人使用。
- Leonardo: reduced knowledge. Less books in the air to prevent lag spikes
- 禁忌风暴(应该是这意思,好像女巫丢出来的技能里也就这个技能会有书在空中):减少延迟,没那么多书在哪里卡机啦。
- Blade Spirits: now properly display hard point synergy
- 刀锋之灵(应该是近战技能):现在只有硬点加成了。。。
- Chronofield: now on9ly affects running/walking speeds
-时间力场:现在只影响怪物的跑动速度。。 作者: xju833 时间: 2016-10-11 14:16
- Liche Form: reduced duration to 5 seconds
- 巫妖形态:砍到5秒了。
- Orb of Annihilation: can no longer be used on left-click
- 毁灭之球?:现在没办法用左键使用了。
- Feral Strike: now works with swords instead of knives
- 野性打击(应该是之前在匕首上可以洗的技能):现在作用在剑上而不是匕首上了。
- Ravage: now works with swords instead of knives
- 毁灭(应该是之前在匕首上可以洗的技能):现在作用在剑上而不是匕首上了。
- Thorn Field: now works with swords instead of knives
- 荆棘之地(应该是之前在匕首上可以洗的技能):现在作用在剑上而不是匕首上了。
- Shunpo: range increased by 25%
- 瞬破:攻击范围+25%(配合剃刀好像很吊了)。
- Giyua's Sacrum: now adds %fire spell damage instead of cold
- 不知道什么物品:增加%火伤代替冰伤
- Hadriel Set: reworked to include cold spell damage and pierce
- 这个应该是套装:增加减抗和冰伤。
- The Grizzly (Secret): buffed stats. Big time.
- 这个是什么不知道:加了很多属性。
- Demonic Touch: replaced death projector reanimate with edyrem (works in toraja)
-恶魔之触: 取消恶魔放映机召唤的怪物(拖拉亚里面的一种,应该是那种射手)
- Reapers: renamed from Gehenna (helm). Removed Path of Flames oskill
- Reapers:重命名,取消火舌之径这个技能。
- Segnitia: reduced flat damage to 100 and crushing blow to 5%
-神圣暗金 实战铠甲赛格尼塔:伤害+200-》100,压碎性打击21~25%-》5%。(大削,神器要衰弱了)
- Enchanting Crystals: items can now only be rolled once
- 神秘水晶:只可以被ROLL一次了(难道之前可以无数次吗?)
- Elixirs: now last 30 seconds
- 这个应该是某种药剂(难道是肾上腺素?):持续30秒
- Jewels: can no longer be gambled
- I am Rich gem: color is no longer overriden by Ancient Repositories
- 土豪宝石: 颜色不会再被仓库的颜色覆盖了(没看懂,想表达什么?不过也没多少人合成这个宝石吧。)
- Character Orb: removed due to clunky mechanics, being unintuitive and having broken stat scaling
- 119球:太BUG直接删掉,手残玩什么魔电!(你妹,手残的我怎么办!) 作者: xju833 时间: 2016-10-11 14:16
- Tantrum can now spawn in crossbows
- Tantrum这个技能(或者说是词缀,怒气的意思?)现在可以在弩里面出现了;
- Bane can now spawn in sorceress orbs
- Bane 这个技能现在可以在女巫的单手武器里面出现(一堆球状武器);
- Terror Strike and Solar Flare can now spawn in paladin weapons
- Removed athulua's blessing recipe
- 删除亚瑟露娜的祝福公式(难道是合成方式又有变化吗?)
- Removed quest shortcuts that somehow never made it to the documentation
- 删除一些任务截图。这些截图本来就不再文档里面,要来何用!
- Certain bosses that had almost guaranteed chance to drop sacred uniques have been rebalanced- BOSS级怪物(比如我大劳模,阿舒拉这种固定暗金怪,会固定掉落神圣暗金的)掉率调整;
- Fixed a bug with shrine drops in The Void
- Griswold: now has 50% chance to drop special box in terror
- 格里斯(救凯恩的那个BOSS),现在有50%几率掉落一个特殊的箱子(尼玛说清楚这个箱子是干嘛用的啊!)
- Fixed Level Challenge 1 level requirement
- Fixed Athulua erroneously spawning in Tran Athulua
- Fixed gamebreaking state collision between Liche Form and Graveyard
- 修复了巫妖形态和墓地守卫(??后面这个词我感觉应该也是一个变身技能,难道是那个死亡领主?)进行切换时的游戏BUG
- Fixed a bug that would allow people to use Yshari Set skills on regular areas
- 修复了某些小伙伴用伊萨瑞套装的技能(金钟罩,奥术冲击和神圣爆弹)瞎特么放的BUG(那3个技能现在只能在圣殿里面装逼了)。
- Fixed a bug that allowed eagle stance to bypass immunity shields
- 现在使用 eagle stance(实在不知道是啥技能)击破神圣护盾的BUG。
- NPC sell limits have been modified for acts 1 and 2 in hatred
- NPC 的销售限制现在调整到ACT 1和2 HATRED不知道怎么翻,憎恨的意思,难度是噩梦难度吗?
- Cubing %experience orbs with weapons to make money is no longer a thing
- 合成经验球到武器去大钱现在不可能了;
- Shortened description of median statue because reading is too hard
- 缩短魔电雕像的描述,因为阅读太麻烦了(本来就是,MNX你这个话唠)。
- Removed unused assets in the patch to reduce size a bit
- 删除没用的补丁编码来减少文件的大小(好评)
- Other minor bugfixes
- suchbalance: general assistance and help creating new endgame runewords
- 无非就是加了一些符文之语(尼玛啊,公式呢!V16的文档赶紧出来吧!)
- Inertia: skill icons and other assets
- 技能图标和其他图标的改动。
Enchanting Crystals: items can now only be rolled once
- 神秘水晶:只可以被ROLL一次了(难道之前可以无数次吗?)
强化水晶刷新SU属性以前都是不限制次数的,16同一个装备只能刷一次了 作者: xiaolei246 时间: 2016-10-12 16:51