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标题: 关于新手职业的问题 [打印本页]

作者: 淡蓝色烟圈    时间: 2010-6-24 11:27     标题: 关于新手职业的问题

作者: netDinosaur    时间: 2010-6-24 12:44     标题: 建议玩亡灵巫师,专练召唤。

召唤系技能 第一(召唤阴影)和第三技能(召唤女妖)MAX,其余加1点;其他技能树,防腐剂技能MAX,死亡图腾(图腾系第一个技能)MAX,牺牲技能一点,BEND THE SHADOWS技能一点。
打法:首先放牺牲,产生尸体,然后放骷髅王去复活尸体,放执政官,放女妖,放阴影等。到杀怪的地方,就放死亡图腾。然后自己躲在后面看着小弟杀怪。如果不幸被怪追杀,用BEND THE SHADOWS技能移动到一个小弟旁,同时把小弟都聚集到身边挡怪。
作者: 小木子    时间: 2010-6-24 14:04

作者: 淡蓝色烟圈    时间: 2010-6-24 16:03

作者: netDinosaur    时间: 2010-6-24 16:59     标题: 回复 3# 的帖子

作者: netDinosaur    时间: 2010-6-24 16:59     标题: 回复 3# 的帖子

作者: netDinosaur    时间: 2010-6-24 17:07     标题: 最好的新手练法:单独通关的召唤型亡灵巫师(1.F9B版本)


The best build for SP starters or: The lonely-necro-that-pwns-everything-guide (summoner/reanimator) 1.F9b


Stat selection: Because it's too easy any child could think about it, but here you go: Enough str/dex for gear (so you can max other stuff), dump the remainder in vita, no questions, no questions!


Skill section


Battle tree (aka melee tree)

ZERO points! That was easy.

support tree (it's actually crossbow tree but laz lost templates)


Summon tree

Shadows MAX = these awesome buddies are so goddamn great and provide a superior boost to your armies damage by boosting the damage of your elemental damages. Some people say they aren’t good, but in fact they are the best summons in the game! (Veil king and Void Archon are a close second, obv)

Shadows have been buffed recently as the elemental totem was removed from the tree. You can *only* summon 30 shadows now, but the elemental aura damage has been buffeD EVEN further! Don't ask why, but profit!

They provide:

1. a great shield for yourself, especially at l90 with unholy prayer, which means said damage won't be on you.

2. a great aura that gives you and your summons (so themselves and the totems) 51% more life! The aura also makes your full party regenerate health like some kind of anime zombie ninja warlord, which makes poison far less of an issue in destruction with some heroic monsters akin to the much openly loved daystar family.

3. and the best part of aforementioned aura; but important enough to see it as a single benefit: They also give a steady 7% ele damage bonus for each skill level! so depending on your gear, they will give roughly 250-450% extra elemental damage omg lol bbq! This is compatible for elemental damage on melee hits, therefore death's fury totem damage gets boosted too, I'll give some convincing numbers at the DF skill later down this guide.

Rampagor = 1 point The poison really isn't all that interesting when you have the massive amount of tri ele damage + the physical component. 1 point + minion life enhancers is enough to keep a few on screen if you musn't live without it though. You can max them too if you care, but these points are better spent on lamias imo. They CAN be useful in fauzt to quickly dispose of the knights. (taking a barb merc with JAH'ed orange great sword sacred (big phys damage) for fauzt knights is more effective though).
Rampagor (第二个技能,忘了怎么翻译)加1点(过路)。你也可以MAX他,不过技能点最好花在女妖上(第三个技能)。

Lamia = MAX! Even though hardly neccecary given the insane amounts of damage your army will do, the doom is welcome. Why max this summon? SLOW! MASSIVE SLOW! Also they stack and tend to get shot first since they are the speediest of your summons, therefore with shadows and jinns the one who die the quickest... More skillpoints = more life and more lamia's (more death's fury damage). Again, it's only a suggestion, if you prefer maxed veil king, be my guest.

Veil King = 1 point BUT BUT! It's so gooood! Yes yes, it IS good, but it's area effect attack, massive life and reanimates don't really need any more skill investment, + skills will take care of it. If it dies it turns hostile. So be sure to resummon it if it is. If YOU die it can go crazy and slaughter any teammates or your own army soooo... resummon in town + some totems elsewhere, bring a shadow and watch the battle of the king Leorics. Spoiler: Yours will always win.

Void Archon = 1 point: Again, GREATTTT summon, slow this and that, but you'd just hamper your own killing potential if you placed points here. It will have plenty of life combined with gear and blood aura, it will rarely ever die.

1 final note for the I CAN HAZ MOAR SUMMONS? people: Be sure to stack hp and resi enhancing items/MO's/Jewelry, since your shadows may be kickass with max level, but your rampagors and lamia's may need some help with poison damage (since UP takes care of the rest).


Djinn = 1- MAX: Djinns are summons that do fire damage (capped at mid 20s level) and have considerable life, they fly over stuff like lamias and can stack easily (they will also be shot earliest/most just like lamia). The most fun part is though, that each hard skillpoint increases their aura that pierces elemental resists. Latest buff for them gave them a higher aura range making them even more viable.

unholy prayer 1 = this skill has been nerfed, its range drastically reduced .. this skill is STILL OP as feck. It makes your closer proximity summons basically immume to anything but excessive poison damage and stuff like death projectors. Oh yeah, and there is a nice %ed bonus for all your shadows, merc and revives.

Totems 1 and 2 or: Totems and support skills

These 2 trees are essential!

death's fury maxxx!!! = This is it, this is the alpha and the omega, the best skill in your arsenal. Cherish it, make love to it,... nvm.

I can be very dull and note that every hard point increases the base damage with a flat 15%. Or I can just say this:

At level 57 my death's fury totem adds a combined damage of 4.2k tri-elemental damage to any summon in my army. This means that your army, party and hirelings will hit this amount of damage, dispensed over the 3 elements: cold/lightning/fire. The kicker is however that for melee hits (not ranged ones), the damage gets a boost from party buffs not unlike: (SHADOWS: geddit?), bloodlust, gift of thet wild, etc. Meaning my own army did roughly 20k added elemental damage on each hit. Suck on that diablo!

frostclaw 1 point = prereq (can be fun if you want a bit of extra punch to your sickhouse army. Your shadows will buff the damage a lot. I used this over fire totem, since it pierces and your minions generally kill anything your fire totem shoots already.

fireheart 1 point = prereq Your shadows will buff the damage a lot. Some people prefer this over the frostclaw totem as the projectiles shoot faster (= higher total damage). As every offensive totem, it does shoot at the closest targets posible though, and this is also where a lot of your minions will probably be. Your call.

If you want to be really iffy, you'll chance your totems depending on area immumities. You do chaos sanct? Go frost, you are at crystaline passage? Go fireheart.

howling totem 1-max = enhanced damage for all and extra cb to boot? what's not to love? I put only a few points in it since I already got plenty of killpower with death's fury and diablo is already annihilated within 2-4 seconds when I fight it.. It's your call.

support skills

embalming: MAX = Need I explain this? Maximum minion life + Maximum YOUR life: + mana regeneration. There is no reason why you shouldn't max this. See it as the replacement of manatide (even though you can still get manatide aside from this skill, so that is something to consider.. gear with manatide + bloodtide.. your call again).

sacrifices 1 point = prereq and useful for starting your totem collection

Bend the shadows 1 point = no more resummoning of totems, stacking, faster movement... it's awesome. If you want it at a 0 second spelltimer to bts after doing stuff like Liche form, or running from a summoning in some dungeon in act 3, be ready to invest a few points (depending on your + skill gear).
Bend the shadows 1点。

Oathbreaker totem 0-1 point = I put 1 point into this, since it summons cool melee units (which means even more meatshields and damage), but I kind of alternated between this and frostclaw / fireheart.

Talon's hold 0-1 = With 1 I mean 1 point for the actual % to revive as rathma priests, which I personally like because of the knockback they provide for some summoning quests. If you do not like these, ignore it.

5. Gear

1. + SKILLS! It is, just like clod, by far the most important attribute for a summoner-necro. Anybody who disagrees is wrong. BECAUSE I SAID SO MUAHAHA.

2. MINION LIFE. When minions don't die they live longer to do damage. Also monsters wont touch you and you dont have to resummon, capiche?

3. MINION RESIST. See above. Aim for 75% minion resist boost for max resist on minions (If I'm wrong about this please correct me I'll update it).

4. Your own resist. Although you can finish hatred and terror with 0% resist all, in destruction you'll have to go for 75%. Sorry people. Daystars will enver hit you though since your minions will tank it, heh.

5. EXTRA MINION SOURCES. Many runewords (try kur in nec-shield for absolutely great minions), many modifiers on crafts. You miss the darklings that got nerfed away? They are on blackheart grim wand. A lot of choice. With your death fury and unholy prayer spam you can even make edyrems viable LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.. ehem.

6. MINION BOOSTERS. Think about: Dark power buff, gift of the wild, massive healing spells, bloodlust, etc. Easiest to equip them on a merc so you don't ahve to cast it yourself.

7. MAX MINIONS. What can I say? Moar minions = MOAR meatshield + moar damage + less minions dieing due to damage being shared.

What to look for in a setup

6. Strategy

You and your totem: fear of abandonment

Totems are some type of summontype..class.. thingy.. which I've forgotten the nerdy specifics of, but I do know that they are stationary, and dissapear when you move away 2,5 screens from them. So you will have to use teleport to group them with you after you start running. You can do 3-4 screens before they dissaprear suddenly, but that suddenly leaves your gosu Watchman with relatively pathetic unbuffed summons, without life bonusses and without any major damage sources! Hilp PLIX MERK! So .. you may want to be very careful you don't lose your totems too much.

Also it'a bitch to summon them all again. LUCKILY it has been NERFED so you only have to worry about 1 essential totem, death's fury. Howling is just icing on the cake (or for fighting the knights in fauzt). The 2 extra slots could be used for anything else. Blood totem, or oathbreakers, or 2 offensives.

Summoning your ****

Take any unsafe wp

Shoot veil king, because it will immediately block any monsters.

Move 2 meters away from the fray if firebombs start flying or .. stuff.

Summon sacrifices

Summon death's fury.

See veil king suddenly instapwn whatever it was tanking before

Summon howling totem

Notice on the C screen how little added damage it brings to a necro equiped with a wand (BUT ITS PHYSICAL SO ITS GOOD FOR YOUR MINIONS TO KILL KNIGHTS IN FAUZERS!!!!11!)

Summon rest of your army, the ones you'll want to use anyway.
作者: netDinosaur    时间: 2010-6-24 17:07     标题: 最好的新手练法:单独通关的召唤型亡灵巫师(1.F9B版本)


The best build for SP starters or: The lonely-necro-that-pwns-everything-guide (summoner/reanimator) 1.F9b


Stat selection: Because it's too easy any child could think about it, but here you go: Enough str/dex for gear (so you can max other stuff), dump the remainder in vita, no questions, no questions!


Skill section


Battle tree (aka melee tree)

ZERO points! That was easy.

support tree (it's actually crossbow tree but laz lost templates)


Summon tree

Shadows MAX = these awesome buddies are so goddamn great and provide a superior boost to your armies damage by boosting the damage of your elemental damages. Some people say they aren’t good, but in fact they are the best summons in the game! (Veil king and Void Archon are a close second, obv)

Shadows have been buffed recently as the elemental totem was removed from the tree. You can *only* summon 30 shadows now, but the elemental aura damage has been buffeD EVEN further! Don't ask why, but profit!

They provide:

1. a great shield for yourself, especially at l90 with unholy prayer, which means said damage won't be on you.

2. a great aura that gives you and your summons (so themselves and the totems) 51% more life! The aura also makes your full party regenerate health like some kind of anime zombie ninja warlord, which makes poison far less of an issue in destruction with some heroic monsters akin to the much openly loved daystar family.

3. and the best part of aforementioned aura; but important enough to see it as a single benefit: They also give a steady 7% ele damage bonus for each skill level! so depending on your gear, they will give roughly 250-450% extra elemental damage omg lol bbq! This is compatible for elemental damage on melee hits, therefore death's fury totem damage gets boosted too, I'll give some convincing numbers at the DF skill later down this guide.

Rampagor = 1 point The poison really isn't all that interesting when you have the massive amount of tri ele damage + the physical component. 1 point + minion life enhancers is enough to keep a few on screen if you musn't live without it though. You can max them too if you care, but these points are better spent on lamias imo. They CAN be useful in fauzt to quickly dispose of the knights. (taking a barb merc with JAH'ed orange great sword sacred (big phys damage) for fauzt knights is more effective though).
Rampagor (第二个技能,忘了怎么翻译)加1点(过路)。你也可以MAX他,不过技能点最好花在女妖上(第三个技能)。

Lamia = MAX! Even though hardly neccecary given the insane amounts of damage your army will do, the doom is welcome. Why max this summon? SLOW! MASSIVE SLOW! Also they stack and tend to get shot first since they are the speediest of your summons, therefore with shadows and jinns the one who die the quickest... More skillpoints = more life and more lamia's (more death's fury damage). Again, it's only a suggestion, if you prefer maxed veil king, be my guest.

Veil King = 1 point BUT BUT! It's so gooood! Yes yes, it IS good, but it's area effect attack, massive life and reanimates don't really need any more skill investment, + skills will take care of it. If it dies it turns hostile. So be sure to resummon it if it is. If YOU die it can go crazy and slaughter any teammates or your own army soooo... resummon in town + some totems elsewhere, bring a shadow and watch the battle of the king Leorics. Spoiler: Yours will always win.

Void Archon = 1 point: Again, GREATTTT summon, slow this and that, but you'd just hamper your own killing potential if you placed points here. It will have plenty of life combined with gear and blood aura, it will rarely ever die.

1 final note for the I CAN HAZ MOAR SUMMONS? people: Be sure to stack hp and resi enhancing items/MO's/Jewelry, since your shadows may be kickass with max level, but your rampagors and lamia's may need some help with poison damage (since UP takes care of the rest).


Djinn = 1- MAX: Djinns are summons that do fire damage (capped at mid 20s level) and have considerable life, they fly over stuff like lamias and can stack easily (they will also be shot earliest/most just like lamia). The most fun part is though, that each hard skillpoint increases their aura that pierces elemental resists. Latest buff for them gave them a higher aura range making them even more viable.

unholy prayer 1 = this skill has been nerfed, its range drastically reduced .. this skill is STILL OP as feck. It makes your closer proximity summons basically immume to anything but excessive poison damage and stuff like death projectors. Oh yeah, and there is a nice %ed bonus for all your shadows, merc and revives.

Totems 1 and 2 or: Totems and support skills

These 2 trees are essential!

death's fury maxxx!!! = This is it, this is the alpha and the omega, the best skill in your arsenal. Cherish it, make love to it,... nvm.

I can be very dull and note that every hard point increases the base damage with a flat 15%. Or I can just say this:

At level 57 my death's fury totem adds a combined damage of 4.2k tri-elemental damage to any summon in my army. This means that your army, party and hirelings will hit this amount of damage, dispensed over the 3 elements: cold/lightning/fire. The kicker is however that for melee hits (not ranged ones), the damage gets a boost from party buffs not unlike: (SHADOWS: geddit?), bloodlust, gift of thet wild, etc. Meaning my own army did roughly 20k added elemental damage on each hit. Suck on that diablo!

frostclaw 1 point = prereq (can be fun if you want a bit of extra punch to your sickhouse army. Your shadows will buff the damage a lot. I used this over fire totem, since it pierces and your minions generally kill anything your fire totem shoots already.

fireheart 1 point = prereq Your shadows will buff the damage a lot. Some people prefer this over the frostclaw totem as the projectiles shoot faster (= higher total damage). As every offensive totem, it does shoot at the closest targets posible though, and this is also where a lot of your minions will probably be. Your call.

If you want to be really iffy, you'll chance your totems depending on area immumities. You do chaos sanct? Go frost, you are at crystaline passage? Go fireheart.

howling totem 1-max = enhanced damage for all and extra cb to boot? what's not to love? I put only a few points in it since I already got plenty of killpower with death's fury and diablo is already annihilated within 2-4 seconds when I fight it.. It's your call.

support skills

embalming: MAX = Need I explain this? Maximum minion life + Maximum YOUR life: + mana regeneration. There is no reason why you shouldn't max this. See it as the replacement of manatide (even though you can still get manatide aside from this skill, so that is something to consider.. gear with manatide + bloodtide.. your call again).

sacrifices 1 point = prereq and useful for starting your totem collection

Bend the shadows 1 point = no more resummoning of totems, stacking, faster movement... it's awesome. If you want it at a 0 second spelltimer to bts after doing stuff like Liche form, or running from a summoning in some dungeon in act 3, be ready to invest a few points (depending on your + skill gear).
Bend the shadows 1点。

Oathbreaker totem 0-1 point = I put 1 point into this, since it summons cool melee units (which means even more meatshields and damage), but I kind of alternated between this and frostclaw / fireheart.

Talon's hold 0-1 = With 1 I mean 1 point for the actual % to revive as rathma priests, which I personally like because of the knockback they provide for some summoning quests. If you do not like these, ignore it.

5. Gear

1. + SKILLS! It is, just like clod, by far the most important attribute for a summoner-necro. Anybody who disagrees is wrong. BECAUSE I SAID SO MUAHAHA.

2. MINION LIFE. When minions don't die they live longer to do damage. Also monsters wont touch you and you dont have to resummon, capiche?

3. MINION RESIST. See above. Aim for 75% minion resist boost for max resist on minions (If I'm wrong about this please correct me I'll update it).

4. Your own resist. Although you can finish hatred and terror with 0% resist all, in destruction you'll have to go for 75%. Sorry people. Daystars will enver hit you though since your minions will tank it, heh.

5. EXTRA MINION SOURCES. Many runewords (try kur in nec-shield for absolutely great minions), many modifiers on crafts. You miss the darklings that got nerfed away? They are on blackheart grim wand. A lot of choice. With your death fury and unholy prayer spam you can even make edyrems viable LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.. ehem.

6. MINION BOOSTERS. Think about: Dark power buff, gift of the wild, massive healing spells, bloodlust, etc. Easiest to equip them on a merc so you don't ahve to cast it yourself.

7. MAX MINIONS. What can I say? Moar minions = MOAR meatshield + moar damage + less minions dieing due to damage being shared.

What to look for in a setup

6. Strategy

You and your totem: fear of abandonment

Totems are some type of summontype..class.. thingy.. which I've forgotten the nerdy specifics of, but I do know that they are stationary, and dissapear when you move away 2,5 screens from them. So you will have to use teleport to group them with you after you start running. You can do 3-4 screens before they dissaprear suddenly, but that suddenly leaves your gosu Watchman with relatively pathetic unbuffed summons, without life bonusses and without any major damage sources! Hilp PLIX MERK! So .. you may want to be very careful you don't lose your totems too much.

Also it'a bitch to summon them all again. LUCKILY it has been NERFED so you only have to worry about 1 essential totem, death's fury. Howling is just icing on the cake (or for fighting the knights in fauzt). The 2 extra slots could be used for anything else. Blood totem, or oathbreakers, or 2 offensives.

Summoning your ****

Take any unsafe wp

Shoot veil king, because it will immediately block any monsters.

Move 2 meters away from the fray if firebombs start flying or .. stuff.

Summon sacrifices

Summon death's fury.

See veil king suddenly instapwn whatever it was tanking before

Summon howling totem

Notice on the C screen how little added damage it brings to a necro equiped with a wand (BUT ITS PHYSICAL SO ITS GOOD FOR YOUR MINIONS TO KILL KNIGHTS IN FAUZERS!!!!11!)

Summon rest of your army, the ones you'll want to use anyway.
作者: sammy    时间: 2010-6-26 11:41


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