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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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 Shopping on the Internet(网上购物)
   With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.
   Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don‘t have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.
   However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can‘t see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.
拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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shopping on the Internet,or shopping online,is being more and more popular.More and more people are using the internet to buy somethings.Why do people use the internet to shop?Some people say that it is more convenient.They can just stay at home and shop for anythings that they want at any time,day or night. If you want to buy something on the internet,you need a credit card.You have to type you credit card number and information on the web site and send it to the store over internet.But you should pay attention to because every thing has two point,shopping online has advantages and disadvantages.

[ 本帖最后由 xiamifantuan 于 2011-1-21 08:41 编辑 ]
拖鞋组合左护法 | 斩马刀俱乐部荣誉会员 | 非主流build研究院名誉博士 | 倒当三剑客之盲剑客 | 淮山组100%纯棉猫 | 离退休老干部群二当家 | 爆周刊总主编 | 刺桃联盟技术总监 | 水区小转风 | 眼望苍穹胸怀宇宙帅piapia酷dongdong拳打北海幼儿园脚踢南山敬老院瞪谁谁怀孕猫 | 饭团庄庄主 | 风流侠客油中虾 | CoCo-Moon组合经纪人及新闻发言人 | 子非桃焉知桃不二文学社社长

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