
[同人周边] A Little Gay Guy Thing (Updates will be released out soon)

A Little Gay Guy Thing (Updates will be released out soon)

The objective of writting this short story is to entertain every gamer who reads it. Any inquiry regards grammar mistakes, punctuation usages, spelling errors,ect, please don't let me know because I just write it for fun. If you are a child or a teenager under 17 years old, please read the story under parents guide (PG). Otherwise, enjoy the story and leave your comments below if you want to, Cheers .

Chapter One
Once upon a time, there were three bros called Diablo, Baal and Mephisto. Actually, Diablo is the first of the three who found themselves gay. The story starts in a tranquil morning, shot through with sunlight. Since homo-sex is completed banned in Hell, The life of Diablo is full of prejudice and discrimination. What appeared in Diablo's mind was 'Why not have a short break and go for a little walk to the world of humanity? That must be interesting! huh!'. Then the sex war between heaven and hell exploded.

The first stop at the world of humanity for Diablo is a small town called Tristram. There's a bar located at the center of the town. This gave Diable a overwhelming attractiveness as Gays are crazy about hanging out in the bar . The dark light and  active atmosphere in the bar made him indulged. However, he found everyone didn't notice his coming. Correct, his invisible at the time being. From the moment Diable left the Hell, chaos, distrust and hatred was out of his control. His summoning skill is not working here! or His army was dissolved because he don't like straight guys (who knows) but whatever his felt depressed. Suddenly, He found two gay guys are touching each other and licking each other's ear. Wow, as you know, Diablo is a gay so he was sexually aroused. Yeah, he can't wait to join them and go for a threesome thing!. Well, first of all, He'd make himself visible. There is an old sayings goes if you mate with the Cow King in the Sercet Cow LeveL, then you will own a complete human body and everyone can see you. 'I don't wanna waste my time now' Diablo said to himself. Combine Wirt's Leg and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube, a red door appeared in front of Diablo's face. He took off his clothing and rushed into the red door with a totally naked body. When he arrived, cows are astonished. They scattered in all directions. Diablo, now, lost  his patience and grab a cow, 'where is your king? little boy?', 'Over there,see? inside the fence!' Diablo aimed the direction that the cow pointed and started to teleport. Oh, no, Jesus, Christ! I don't have enough mana! It's still half way there. Finally, when Diablo walked there, he was completely exhausted and fell down on the ground. The cow king smiled with the words' Go and find me Cain's underwear, I'll have sex with you  (puking)'. Diablo said 'What, are you kidding me?'

Now, Diablo is on the journey of searching the underwear,LoL.
To be continued...........

[ 本帖最后由 linobody 于 2012-7-2 20:54 编辑 ]
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To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

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虽然看不懂 不过看起来还是很有才 很好 很强大

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原帖由 木偶1981 于 2012-3-30 20:45 发表
虽然看不懂 不过看起来还是很有才 很好 很强大
其实主要的就是讲讲三大魔头搞基的事 和史上第一混乱走一个路线
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

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3L 4L 估计都是来打酱油的~
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

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原帖由 glacier8016 于 2012-3-30 23:44 发表
小变态 真恶心
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

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俄文 德文 日文 棒子文 我都很在行 就是英文还没时间学习:anhei3.net-0000

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