


由于被斑竹当做广告~~~特来翻译一下~~翻译不好 还请见谅

Why do the Vipers in the Halls of Vaught kill my GOSU char in one hit?  

Explanation by Gta-maloy]:  

Q u o t e:

A percentage of their charge damage is included in the secondary cloud of poison. The AoE cloud. This means that you could avoid the initial poison from the spear but still get the physical + poison damage of the cloud should you run into it.  

THE CLOUD IS NOT VISIBLE. This is why many people think they get killed by something that isn't really there. The cloud will stay about five seconds AFTER the initial spear's cloud vanishes. If you do not move in this time, the second cloud will not effect you. Getting knocked back will also not trigger the second cloud. You will get poisoned by the viper and get a nice percentage of life taken away from you but it won't be over time.  

Best thing to do is stand still when they fire or run past them at high velocity. The cloud will only form a second or two after the spear is thrown, this gives more than enough time for a character to run past them. Should you need to stop... stop and don't run or walk until five seconds after all the clouds have gone.  


[ 本帖最后由 Philalethe 于 2012-8-8 23:52 编辑 ]
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