
暗黑1.13C 已经发布(1.13C不测试,直接作为1.13的使用版本来更新天梯)

暗黑1.13C 已经发布(1.13C不测试,直接作为1.13的使用版本来更新天梯)



暴雪:感谢大家对暗黑破坏神2 1.13A和1.13B版本的测试,不过1.13B不是1.13的最后版本,1.13C即将到来(预计4月初),而且1.13C不需大家测试,暴雪会提前一周在游戏频道通知reset。

We're glad the changes in 1.13b are being well received. We don't think we've hit every issue obviously, there are still quite a few, as well as feature requests, etc. that we hope to address in future patches.

But, 1.13b won't be the final version of this patch. Work is already in progress and near completion on a 1.13c that addresses a few additional issues. This new version will require new patches to be generated and tested, but it won't be making its way to the PTR as we don't feel the changes warrant it.

We plan to give a one week warning before a Diablo II ladder reset, which will coincide with the release of 1.13. You're not likely to hear any updates on release schedule before that one week warning.
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